Emmaus International



"Abbé Pierre discussed with us the need to create a link at an international level."

José Aravena is the founder and Chair of the Emmaus group Las Urracas in Chile. Having been a member of the provisional committee preparing the first General Assembly in 1969, he spoke at the plenary session on 24 May 2019 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Universal Manifesto at the Federal Swiss Parliament in Bern. He recounted what had motivated him, at the time, to work on this project to create Emmaus International and to participate in drafting its founding text.

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Emmaus and the World, a slam poetry by Patrick Guillain

Patrick Guillain wrote and performed a slam for the 50th anniversary of the Emmaus Universal Manifesto on 24th May 2019 in Bern. In this text, he talks about the fundamentals and struggles of Emmaus and about the Universal Manifesto, which he chooses to contrast with the current world trends, particularly the market economy. Discover his text!
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50 years of the movement’s Universal Manifesto in photos!

Looking back at that historic event on 24 May 2019 in Bern (Switzerland) commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Universal Manifesto, the founding text of the Emmaus movement, in the same place where it was adopted exactly 50 years ago.

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A commemoration to revive Emmaus International's DNA

The reappropriation of the Universal Manifesto, founding text of the movement, is at the heart of the commemoration of its launch by Abbé Pierre fifty years ago in the Swiss capital. "Our Swiss friends have awoken us, it's as if we were sleeping", admits Patrick Atohoun, Chair of Emmaus International.

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Returning to the Federal Parliament of Bern (Switzerland) 50 years on

50 years after the first world meeting of the groups, Emmaus International will once again enter the prestigious Federal Parliament of Bern: throughout the morning of 24th May 2019 it will welcome the founding members of the movement and those who work every day at the heart of Emmaus, with the presence of Marina Carobbio, Chair of the National Council at the Federal Chambers.
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