Emmaus International



"Environmental migration" for dummies!

Update on the environmental migration debate from an international solidarity perspective. A publication released by the network “Des ponts pas des mur” (Bridges Not Walls)* of which Emmaus International is a member.

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Feedback from the International Container and Transport meeting.

The 1st International Container and Transport meeting took place at the Emmaus community of Angouleme*, France, from 11 - 13 December 2019. This meeting gathered around 60 participants from groups that are active in this programme, or who would like to get involved, from all the regions of the Movement.

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Emmaus International and the Solidarity with Brazil coalition raise the alarm for Brazilian civil society.

On 23 January 2020, the Solidarity with Brazil coalition, of which Emmaus International is a member, launched its campaign “Brazil resists. Fighting is not a crime.” This is aimed at French and European citizens and political decision-makers. The coalition also took this opportunity to present its "Warning barometer on the human rights situation in Brazil".

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The new and improved Emmaus Ethical Fund grants its first loan!

The Emmaus Ethical Fund is supporting the microcredit programme run by Emmaus Pahou in Benin, Africa, making this group the first to receive a loan and access credit since this global mutual fund was developed.

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Albert Tévoédjrè, the exceptional Beninese man at the origins of Emmaus Benin

Our friend, Albert Tévoédjrè, passed away on Wednesday 6 November 2019. A man with an exceptional career, both nationally and internationally, but also someone we owe a lot to at Emmaus International and particularly at Emmaus Africa.

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