Emmaus International



We denounce the impunity of multinationals

Emmaus International is part of a huge coalition of organisations, unions and social movements within the framework of the European mobilisation campaign, 'Rights for people, rules for corporations', which calls for people to sign a petition: http://stopimpunite.org/. Together, the coalition is exposing the obscure parallel justice system that benefits multinational corporations. It calls for the introduction of binding regulations to ensure they respect human and environmental rights.

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Let’s honour Abbé Pierre !

On 22 January the 350 associations that make up Emmaus International will be commemorating the 12-year anniversary of the death of Abbé Pierre, founder of the Emmaus movement. We pay tribute to a man who led a tireless struggle and who continues to inspire people today all across the globe.
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Unconditional Welcome for Universal Citizenship

On 18 December, International Migrants Day, Emmaus International is calling for mobilisation for ‘universal citizenship’. Committed to its tradition of providing an unconditional welcome, the Emmaus movement is calling for mobilisation against a backdrop of anti-migrant policies which are creating more victims with each passing day.

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“I am being pursued by the government for having brought the migrant issue to light”

Emmaus International was present at the World Social Forum on Migrations, from 2nd to 4th November, in Mexico, to denounce the violation of migrants' rights and the criminalization of their defenders, activists or journalists, like Bartolo Fuentes, pursued for covering the Honduran caravan.

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