Emmaus International



Bern Appeal 1969-2019: An anniversary mobilising the Swiss communities

Fifty years after Abbé Pierre’s appeal founding the international Emmaus movement, companions of the Swiss Confederation are preparing to receive guests from around the globe for this celebration.

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Emmaus International develops its Emmaus Ethical Fund!

Acting against the causes of poverty means creating and defending economic models that allow everyone to find their place by making a living from their work and reclaiming their fundamental rights. With the Emmaus Ethical Fund, the Emmaus Movement is working to create a society where work provides access to rights and dignity.

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The Africa international work camp in pictures!

Reflections in pictures of the daily life of the participants in the Africa work camp which was held in Cotonou, Benin, from 29th January to 7th February 2019.

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Conclusions of the Emmaus Africa work camp

From 29th January to 7th February 2019, the whole Africa region rallied together to show how the most excluded people can organise to reclaim their fundamental rights.

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« Economic interests should not be prioritised over humanity »

Interview with Patrick Atohoun, president of Emmaus International , by the Journal de la Saône et Loire. During his visit to the Chalon community (France), he presents Emmaus’ struggles on an international level.
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