Emmaus International



Brazil: a threat to democracy and human rights defenders

On 26 October, two days before the election of the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro, the Emmaus Brazil Federation warned of the threat that the president elect embodies, highlighting his discourse of hatred and violence which constitutes a real threat to democracy in the country, as well as to human rights defenders.

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Emmaus is concerned about the European Union's conscience crisis

 © Rasande Tyskar


On 28 and 29 June, the leaders of the 28 EU Member States met in Brussels in order to map out an EU migration policy that is decidely based on extreme refoulement.
At a time when Brussels is committed to closing borders, the Emmaus groups in Europe are becoming increasingly concerned at the lack of humanity shown on the ground by the EU on a daily basis.
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United States continues its policy of isolationism by withdrawing from UN Human Rights Council

While its mandate was up to 2019, Washington has just announced its withdrawal from the Human Rights Council (HRC). Emmaus International is concerned about this renunciation of the American State to build a world based on peace and human rights.
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Faced with governments powerless to promote an alternative migratory policy, we must act

For this World Refugee Day, in the face of states and governments failing to do their duty when it comes to hospitality and humanity, Emmaus International promotes the importance of unconditionally accepting migrants into our societies.

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Emmaus International stands in solidarity with Palestinians

With its long-standing history of being mobilised in favour of sustainable peace and the freedom of movement, Emmaus International today supports all citizens who struggle for peace. Emmaus International stands in solidarity with Palestinians and denounces the unacceptable acts of violence towards them that took place on Monday 14 May during a protest on their right to return.

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