Emmaus International



Against the FN and their Hierarchy of Poverties

Emmaus International supports Emmaus France in its denouncing of the FN, a political party which uses fear and anger for its own gain, which makes people into scapegoats and which makes a hierarchy of poverties. Fellow citizens, let's mobilise for a France and a world of solidarity. Solidarity is the only possible long-term response to the political, social, economic and environmental crises that Emmaus fights against on a daily basis across the globe.

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Local news

Travelling exhibition about Abbé Pierre

For the 10-year anniversary of the death of Abbé Pierre Emmaus International and the ANMT invite you to an exhibition which looks back at the life and struggles of Abbé Pierre. Abbé Pierre was the founder of Emmaus and he was also a very multi-faceted person and the public is not always aware of this.

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Policy and campaigns

Faced with illegal water cuts #OnNeSeTairaPas (We Refuse to Be Quiet)

Committed to the fight for right to water for all for more than 10 years, Emmaus International would like to outline its support for the Fondation France Libertés and Coordination Eau Île-de-France who are being prosecuted for defamation by Veolia for denouncing illegal water cuts carried out by this multinational.

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"We were aware of our privileged situation and social responsibilities”

Frédérique Weixler, the founder of the Emmaus Friends Committee in Rambervilliers, has been committed to the Movement since 1984 and was initially drawn in by the message of the Universal Manifesto.  Frédérique was the treasurer of Emmaus International in 2007, at the time of Abbé Pierre’s death.

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Policy and campaigns

We are all “solidarity criminals”

Increasing numbers of community activists are being convicted by the French courts for the crime of helping migrants. Emmaus International is part of the “Solidarity Criminals” collective, which publicly condemns the criminalization of acts of solidarity.

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