Emmaus International



www.actemmaus.org | Emmaus’s past and present struggles

From 22nd January, come and discover Abbé Pierre’s struggles and the activities currently run by Emmaus organisations around the world through a fun discovery journey accessible to all.

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Local news

Painting Those Who Change the World

The street artist Jinks has recently completed an art project in West Africa. In each of the countries he visited, he painted murals depicting women and men who work for their communities. He brought his tour to a close by visiting two Emmaus associations in Benin. He spoke to us about his project.
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Policy and campaigns

Besarkadak: Exchange for Change

The Emmaus Fundación Social group and the regional government in San Sébastian have joined together to launch ‘Besarkadak’. This initiative aims to bring people together through the exchange of skills and micro-services in order to promote social cohesion and to include the most excluded.

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Local news

The “Farm of Abbé Pierre”, Marseille

Monday 17th October, Marseille: today Emmaus Pointe Rouge celebrated the opening of the “Farm of
Abbé Pierre”. The newly renovated farm buildings will provide 10 new homes for the community, including 2 reserved for families of refugees from war zones.

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