Emmaus International


Straight to the source

Appeal from San Francisco - 11 May 1955

Following the appeal of 1st February 1954 and the resonance it had internationally, Abbé Pierre was asked to speak at conferences in many places around the world. In 1955, Abbé Pierre travelled to North America. He gave several lectures in Canada and the United States and met with public figures, individuals and associations influenced by his work or which shared the same goals. On 11 May 1955, whilst giving a speech in San Francisco, Abbé Pierre made a passionate appeal to humanity for voluntary action to fight against the poverty and suffering of mankind.

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“With the closing of trading places, markets, bars, shops and others […], the activities of women, this important link in the informal economy, have slowed down or even halted.”

Based on research and his professional experiences, Kodzo AgbenyegaTsolenyanu, Executive Director of Emmaus MARS (Togo), provides his analysis of the position of women in the informal sector across the African continent, the impact of the pandemic on this sector, along with the responses from the Emmaus movement during this crisis period.

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“The low level of schooling for girls that has persisted for so long means that more women work in the informal sector…”

Suzanne Ware, Chair of the Pag-La-Yiri association, talks to us about the role of women in the informal economy in Burkina Faso. She relates this to the health crisis that the country is currently facing.

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CoNGO statement "COVID-19 Recovery: Building Back Better"

The Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO) highlights the devastating consequences of the health crisis, mainly for vulnerable people, and denounces the restrictions to human rights caused by the measures taken to contain the spread of the virus. It calls on the 193 Member-States of the United Nations to renew their efforts to promote a fairer, more sustainable world which upholds human rights.

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"There is still the risk of 'contracts of convenience', where fictitious employers can line their pockets on the backs of migrants."

Franco Monnicchi, President of Emmaus Italy, is a fervent defender of freedom of movement. We asked him what led the Italian government to offer legal status to undocumented migrants during Covid-19. He compares it with Portugal where the government has made the same decision.

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