Emmaus International



Emmaus International supports the national undocumented migrants’ march (France)

“From every corner of the country, we march for equality”: Answering the call from some twenty collectives of undocumented migrants, along with Marche des Solidarités and Etats Généraux des Migrations, and with support from over 200 different organisations, undocumented migrants have organised various marches in France since 19 September, which all met in Paris for a large protest march towards the Elysée Palace on Saturday 17 October.

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Straight to the source

The housing war - 1955

After the Second World War (1939 - 1945), France faced a serious housing crisis. Overwhelmed by requests from homeless families or those in substandard housing, the Emmaus association, created in 1949, came to their aid, rehousing them and launching emergency housing projects. Thus, from the start of his work until the end of his life, Abbé Pierre made the fight for decent housing a major focus of his work. We can find it in many of his writings, particularly this handwritten text, “the housing war”, [1955].

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"In the space of a few seconds, the city is devastated. Façades are ripped open, doors, windows and panes of glass shattered, and interiors ransacked."

Two months after the explosions that ravaged its capital, Lebanon is mired in a political crisis depriving the population of much-needed aid. Camille Chédid, Chair of the Association d’Entraide Professionnelle, based in Beirut, and Claude Audi, a Board Member, talk to us openly and honestly about this tragedy on 4th August 2020.

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Call for the immediate evacuation of Moria

The fire which ravaged the Moria camp in Lesbos, Greece, is the inevitable and predictable result of inhumane European migration policies which impose confinement and restrict the movement of tens of thousands of people. This intolerable situation cannot continue for one more day: Emmaus International is calling for the immediate evacuation of Moria and the welcoming of survivors by the different towns ready to receive them.

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Letter: EU-MERCOSUR agreement - "Major climate risks"

Last June, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, stated at the Citizens' Climate Convention that he would oppose the trade agreement between the European Union and the Mercosur countries. But in July, the European Union celebrated the conclusion of negotiations on this agreement. Emmaus International is a joint signatory, along with around thirty associations and NGOs, to an open letter calling for this agreement to be scrapped, given that its impact on ecosystems and human rights would be disastrous.

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