Emmaus International



“For universal freedom of movement and residence of people”

Paulo Illes, a former member of the human rights’ department in the city of Sao Paulo under Haddad’s administration (2010-2015), is now the spokesperson for the Organisation for Universal Citizenship (OUC) in Southern Europe, based in Lisbon. Here he shares the values and work led by the OUC in Europe.

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“The other side of the pandemic… from the perspective of the South, the poor, the marginalised and indigenous peoples”

Pepe Aravena, founder of the Emmaus Las Urracas group in Chile provides his analysis of the underlying causes of this crisis and calls on us to implement the “Emmaus Method” in order to move forward.

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"He runs the country like a reckless driver, driving a car at high speed and putting all our lives at risk."

Erivania Queiroz Santiago, director of Emmaus Amor e Justiça (Love and Justice) in Brazil and National Delegate for his country, tells us about how President Jair Bolsonaro is managing the pandemic. As the victim of a complete health fiasco, Brazil is now the second most affected country by coronavirus.

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Refugees: the forgotten people of the global pandemic

On World Refugee Day, Emmaus International denounces the serious breaches of the rights of refugees, which the health crisis has exacerbated. Our organisation reiterates its commitment to unconditional, dignified welcome, and the obligation of states to protect and receive refugees.

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Open letter to governments on ISDS and Covid-19

Within the campaign “Stop ISDS”, over 450 organisations, including Emmaus International, signed an open letter in June on the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDR) procedure and Covid-19. No, States must not use public funds to finance multinationals in cases of disputes handled by special courts!

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