Emmaus International



Online Artwork Solidarity Sale!

As the Covid-19 pandemic will have a lasting impact on hundreds of Emmaus communities and groups across the globe, over 60 street artists have decided to donate one or more of their works in solidarity with our movement and Emmaus communities around the world. The online sale will take place from 12 June on KAZoART’s website, an online art gallery and our partner for this event.

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“The mutual health organisation brought a ray of hope to the lives of the people...”

Pankaj Mehndiratta, coordinator of Tara Projects’ mutual health organisation in India, explains how and why the Emmaus mutual health organisations are essential, and what challenges they have faced during this crisis.

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“The private healthcare providers exploit the situation focusing on profits and providing treatment to the rich.”

Moon Sharma, Director of Tara Projects, examines the privatisation of healthcare in India and its impact on the most vulnerable, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

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People's protest and state repression: let’s make sure the order of responsibilities is not reversed!

Following many other countries such as India, Brazil, Chile and Lebanon, the United States is now witnessing an upsurge in popular protests. As is always the case, the state authorities justify the violent reaction of the police by claiming that demonstrators are violent. They cite the damage and thefts committed by the few to justify repressive measures used against the vast majority of non-violent protesters.

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"3 questions for..." Luis Tenderini, Emmaus International Board Member for the Americas region

Through a series of interviews, Emmaus International would like to share its members' views on the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the movement worldwide. We asked Luis Tenderini, Emmaus International Board Member for the Americas region, to share his thoughts. We asked him about how Brazilians have reacted to Jair Bolsonaro's opposition to WHO advice, how the population has adapted to cope with the crisis, and about the impact of liberating education on young people’s ability to politically analyse events during this health crisis.

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