Emmaus International



The second-hand bookshop of Emaus Murcia, Libros Traperos, awarded by the Spanish newspaper La Verdad

The Spanish regional newspaper La Verdad has awarded seven companies and institutions with the prize of "environmental sustainability". The second-hand bookshop Libros Traperos, opened by Emmaus Murcia two years ago in southern Spain, is one of them. It is the largest solidarity bookshop in the region.

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Straight to the source

Abbé Pierre's speech, Namur - 1984

From 4 - 6 October 1984, Emmaus International organised its 5th General Assembly in Namur, Belgium, based on the theme ‘Emmaus today’ the presence of young people in the movement and ‘the new poor’ in the so-called ‘developed’ countries. In his opening speech, Abbé Pierre discusses the changes in society and the necessary ways the movement must adapt. In this extract, he speaks more specifically about the development of ‘free time’ and the best way to use it.

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"We need to listen and learn from those we have denigrated and continue to marginalize."

During these important days for the United States in the midst of a presidential election, Julia Demaree, the former director of Emmaus Harlem and a member of Emmaus H.O.M.E. (Homeworkers Organized for More Employment) shares her feelings about her country. She writes to us from Maine, where she works in the handicraft workshops at Emmaus H.O.M.E.

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Solidarity for water: Emmaus International on the UNESCO "Citizens for the Planet" platform

In light of the climate emergency, UNESCO is spotlighting a range of innovative and duplicable citizens’ projects on its Green citizens 2020 platform. These projects all have a specific, local impact on the population in the area of sustainable development and ecology. Emmaus International has been contacted to participate in this project by sharing its Solidarity for Water on Nokoué (PCSEN) project on this collaborative platform. This project was initiated in 2006 in Benin at the request of a fishermen’s association on Lake Nokoué.

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A time for meeting and sharing

On 23 October 2020, the members of Emmaus International came together to watch our special live broadcast "A time for meeting and sharing".

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