Emmaus International


Policy and campaigns

The Emmaus Movement Defends Article 13

In early September members of Emmaus travelled to Tarifa to defend Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which outlines freedom of movement and residence for all. Patrick Atohoun, the Chair of Emmaus International, spoke to us about the movement's commitment on the topic of migrations.

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Policy and campaigns

Ludovic, a companion committed to the defence of Article 13!

Ludovic has been a companion in Emmaus Périgueux, France, for the last 3 years. Current migration policy leaves him feeling outraged and thus he will cross the Strait of Gibraltar in a kayak in early September, alongside other members of Emmaus, to defend Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

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Policy and campaigns

Article 13 - Into the Water for Freedom of Movement!

The Director of the Abbé Pierre-Emmaus Centre, Philippe Dupont, is also an activist for human rights. On 7 September he will swim across the Strait of Gibraltar with other members of Emmaus in order to raise awareness about Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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"In all of Abbé Pierre's actions, there was always hope"

Thomas Fraisse is the author of a commented biography on Abbé Pierre which was published in 2017. In 'L’abbé Pierre, l’amour…la colère' ['Abbé Pierre, love...anger'] Mr Fraisse, who has a background in philosophy, deciphers Abbé Pierre's thinking. Mr Fraisse first became interested in the founder of Emmaus in his teenage years.

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Local news

Emmaus Toulouse, working on environmental and social transition

For its 40-year anniversary Emmaus Toulouse organised a day dedicated to the environmental and social transition. Benoit, the group leader at the Labarthe site, spoke to us about the community's commitment to this topic.

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